Press Releases

True or False: securing media coverage is simply a function of writing great press releases.


In reality, the perfect press release only "makes ink" if the media considers it newsworthy, but first it must satisfy our discerning eyes.


With a viable story angle in hand, we run it through a 12-step process (see below) that includes generating a compelling lead to stimulate media attention followed by journalistically sound content.


After wordsmithing ad nauseam and inserting graphics, links and search engine optimization, the release is disseminated to selected outlets and their appropriate departments, editors and writers. Sometimes the media publishes them verbatim; other times our stories inspire the media to write their own.


Finally, we conduct media outreach 24 - 48 hours later to gauge interest and connect the dots if needed. Our press releases typically generate 6 - 12 published articles, and we always provide clients with a written report.


Samples of recent projects:

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